Sound Waves
Car mufflers work using a simple principle that works on any kind of wave, including sound waves. This principle is called destructive interference.
Any wave of any kind, including a sound wave, has a high point, or crest, and a low point, or trough. The difference between the crest and the trough controls how powerful the wave is—a wave with a large difference will be very powerful, while a wave with a small difference will be very weak. A wave with no difference isn't a wave at all.
When two waves are combined, they will either interfere constructively or destructively depending on their position. If the wave crests and troughs occur at the same point, they will combine, resulting in higher crests and lower troughs, and an overall more powerful wave. If the crests of one wave occur at the same time as the troughs of the other, the waves will still combine—but in this case, the resulting wave will be weaker than the 2 original waves, even if they were both quite strong to begin with. Destructive interference is this second kind of interaction, where two strong waves become one weak wave. By using this technique, your muffler can reduce the amount of sound coming from your engine.
Putting It into Practice
Your car's muffler is connected to its exhaust system. As exhaust gases travel towards the exit, they are sent through a set of tubes in your muffler leading to a chamber called the resonator. The resonator is intentionally designed to amplify and redirect the sound waves caused by your engine. However, the way the resonator directs those sound waves reflects them back to the source in such a way that causes the waves to destructively influence themselves.
While a resonator chamber cannot eliminate all sound, it is designed to target particular frequencies at the expense of others. By targeting the loudest frequencies produced by your engine, and the most offensive ones to human ears, the resonator chamber maximizes its efficiency at its intended task, even if it isn't perfect.
Other Methods
While destructive interference is the most common technique car mufflers use to cancel out unwanted sounds, there are other kinds of mufflers that are commonly used. Many mufflers use more than one technique to maximize their efficiency.
For example, another kind of muffler, called a cherry bomb muffler or a glass pack muffler, does not use destructive interference to cancel out sound. Instead, it sends exhaust and sound waves through a tube with holes in it that lead out into sound absorbing material. Cherry bomb mufflers have the advantage of reducing back pressure and increasing efficiency.
Muffler adds a strong personality to your car because of it's loud sound and feels like your ready to race anyone on the road.
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