Auto Repair & Diagnostics : How to Diagnose an Engine Problem

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Make Your Car Look Brand New With An Auto Body Repair

Human beings are born engineers and there is a lot of sundry repair works we usually do on several utilities of day to day life. It includes repairing a bath-tub to mending the fence of our garden. But, when it comes to do some minor repairing works in our vehicles, we often try to escape from the job, and leave everything on the mechanic. However, this escapist attitude exploits us economically and frequent visits of the vehicle to a mechanic surely demean the performance-levels of our favorite car. If, somehow we manage to do some of the auto repairing jobs at our own, then we can save a lot over a few dollars. This isn't as complicated as it often looks and it can be handled manually with some common available tools.

Common Auto Body Repair Tips

Repairing an automobile generally gives us the picture of a person wearing greased clothes, with some complex tools in his hands and he is working with the complicated machineries of your automobile. Undoubtedly there are some issues in the car which needs specialized care, but we can surely settle some of the minor problems ourselves. Minor issues like rust, scratches, marks, etc, if not treated in time can cause potential damages to your vehicle. Some of the most common repair jobs are addressed here:

# Rust Removal - Auto body usually gets rusted due to the combined action of moisture and dust over its surface. Rust is recognized as fading red spots with peeling material from it. This degrades the quality of the metal of automobile and also tarnishes the looks of the vehicle. Rust should be removed from the surface as soon as it is appeared. This can be done by using sandpaper, paint and waxing stuff. First of the surface must be cleared by the sandpaper followed by the application of paint into it. The wax is uniformly coated over the painted surface and the surface is then buffed with the help of a dry piece of cloth.

# Bumper Repair - Bumpers are covered by a plastic shield and when any external damage is done to the bumper body, it is usually affect that outer coating of it. So, first you need to find the type of plastic your bumper is made of. Then according to that material, choose the appropriate paint for it. If any abrasion is done to the bumper, you can try out masking tape for fixing it temporarily. Then, apply the suitable adhesives into it. After this, apply paint and primer over its surface.

# Body Painting - Sometimes our car gets unwanted spots due to collision or other extraneous factors. These marks looks ugly on your favorite car and the proper treatment must be given to these. These marks are repaired by painting the surface. Painting a car is slightly different from painting your house. Painting the former needs more conscientious efforts. Painting should be done after cleaning the surface and uniform coat must be assured.

# Miscellaneous Tips
- Apart from the above measures there are several other steps you can take to jazz up the body of your vehicle. This include, panel beating, under coating, sanding, scratch removal etc.

For a longer life for your car, maintenance is the key. Always make sure that your car is in good condition.



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